By Ben Hooper, UPI
A traveler on a Canadian road captured video of the moment a black bear charged at a tourist who had gotten out of her car to take photos of the animal.
[post_ads]The video shows the filmer's car traveling on Highway 93 near Jasper Park in Alberta while capturing footage of a large group of sightseers who had pulled over to the side of the road and gotten out of their cars.
The subject of the onlookers' fascination, a black bear, suddenly appears as it charges at one of the women snapping photos.
"We were driving down the Highway 93, near Honeymoon Lake today when we saw a traffic jam," the filmer wrote. "It turned out there was a black bear at the side of the road and tourists were getting out of their car. All of a sudden we see someone running around the car and a bear charging towards a woman. Fortunately the bear doesn't follow through and the woman is able to walk away."