Rowan Atkinson is alive, guys!

Deaths hoaxes are common among celebrities. But Rowan Atkinson unfortunately seems to star in an awful lot of them.
[post_ads]The latest death hoax of the 'Mr Bean' star came on Wednesday. But such hoaxes have been a regular all through July this year.
In fact, some of the fake news articles were circulated under the banner of ‘Fox News’. The scam articles were later linked to a fake news website.
Death Scam Post Again Targets Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean) — Mr. Bean is Alive
— Okblaze News & Media (@OKblazemedia) July 18, 2018
Rowan Atkinson has been prematurely killed several times before.
But this time, it seems the fake news article is not just intended to puzzle fans or case confusion but may in fact have more sinister motives.
According to reports, clicking on the latest fake ‘Fox News’ articles would lead users to an error page claiming the computer is in lockdown. The user will be told to contact a ‘support number’ to unlock the system again.
This support number is a fake number to extract personal details such as credit card information, bank account details and more.
However, as the hoax spread through Facebook and Twitter, fans started bombarding social media with their condolences for Atkinson, making him one of the top trending topics on Wednesday.
My favorites comedian or entertainer of all time I grow up watching her on TV this is the power of the man that he give smile on face of the world without saying a word #R.I.P #mrbean #rowanatkinson #rowansebastianatkinson #johnnyenglish @MrBean
— Māyâñk Bhørïyā (@MayankBhoriya) July 19, 2018
I'm already depressed and now you want to tell me Rowan Sebastian aka Mr Bean is dead to further throw the my-childhood-is-over fact in my face
— Rumaisa (@rumaisash) July 19, 2018
But attentive fans who had noticed the previous trend, called out the fake news:
stop spreading fake news about rowan atkinson being dead lmao why does this happen every year it's ridiculous
— Renée saw amatw (@deadtpooI) November 14, 2017